Sunday, August 22, 2010

Simple Pero Rock Talaga

Simple Pero Rock is one of Red’s blog sites. I came across this site before because Red is a member of GT and Mommy Moments MEMEs. I like the blog site’s lay-out because I can easily find my way on her site. It is easy to find her old blog posts in the archive or if one wants to find a certain topic one can easily check out her categories.

Red is also a member of BC bloggers and check out her post for the BC bloggers party here and you’ll know a lot of things about her. In connection with her 1st blogversary contest, she posted her blogging experience and it was so nice to know that winning online contests is a part of her blogging life too.

In Simple Pero Rock you can view different posts for different MEMEs such as Mommy Moments, Girl’s Talk, Music Monday and Wordless Wednesday.

This is a review for Red's blogversary contest.


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