Thursday, August 26, 2010

Couple's Trip Review

Couple’s Trip is a blog owned by Liz. It was started last May and most of the posts are about food, foods, and more about foods. How I wish I could also make a blog in which I can write all about me and my boyfriend’s hang-outs but I guess I cannot because we are far from each other.

Couple’s Trip is a nice site to visit because Liz and her boyfriend share their thought about their food trip and laugh trips. I couldn’t imagine my boyfriend posting something like what Raven Knives have posted in their blog site. To share such nice story and to share a good resto with his girlfriend is such a sweet thing to do.

If couple nowadays would find their time to share their moments with other people through blogging, it would be the sweetest thing they could do. Imagine yourself showing to the whole world your love story.

This is a review for Red's 1st blogversary contest.


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