Friday, August 13, 2010

Mommy Moments: Books

mommy moments

Today is Friday. Today is Mommy Moments Day. This week the topic is Books. I am a book-lover, you may call me a bookworm and I love to teach my son to love books too. So I bought him these lovely books here :
And right now, he is loving this little book my mom bought for me when I was young.

He loves to listen to me when I tell the story about this book.


  1. ang galing naman nababasa nya pa ngayon ang book mo noong maliit ka. reading is a good habit so you're doing a great job, mommy!

  2. wow! to be able to save your books and pass it to your kid is amazing.

  3. wow! your teaching your son not just reading but taking care of his books! (by your example!) GOOD work mommy!

  4. I also have books that I gave my daughter and though the pages turned brown through time, the memories and the value of it is still intact. Happy weekend!


  5. its such a great idea to pass on books to our children.. thanks for joining us!

  6. lovely books you got there. keep it up!

  7. That's sweet that you have one that was yours to share with him. Very nice. My daughter was a super book worm. I'm not; but we took her to the library all the time, we read to her all the time, and so she turned out to be even though I'm really not. She was a great student, being a good reader makes all things in school easier. Great gift to give your children.
    Happy Wkend
    Aug Challenge
    Traveling Suitcase
