Thursday, August 26, 2010


This review would probably be the longest one. ChubbyMommyMe is one of my first loved blogs in the universe! Yeah, I am not kidding. I even like the tag line “losing weight, raising baby and annoying hubby”. I’ve known the author when I started blogging though I didn’t know what her first name is (can you please tell me what your name is?).

I became one of her followers last January when I joined her online contest to win a cosmopolitan datebook. In order for me to win this prize I need to explain why am I a COSMO CHICK and my answer goes like this “I am a COSMO CHICK because I am not afraid to break the rules to WIN the game”. I didn’t win the contest but I won a friend. Yes, I consider her one of my online friends.

I couldn’t stop myself from laughing when I have read her 10 Twitter Tweet Suggestions in order to have many followers. Two brilliant ideas are “If you follow me, I’ll send you $10 by PayPal instantly!!” and “Don't you follow me...Do not dare follow me...I said don't follow me...What's wrong with you?” And I couldn’t help myself to say negative things about CHINA Phones when she bought one for her husband.

Yeah, chubbymommyme is a must visit site. Honestly, I love her!!!!

This is a review for Red's 1st blogversary contest.


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