Saturday, August 28, 2010

Home Buddies Reviewed Again

I have already made a review for Home Buddies last February due to K and Peh’s contest and now here I am again making a review for Home Buddies for Red’s contest. Fedhz is definitely a generous pal. (Can I just copy-paste my review last February? ROFL)

Anyways, nothing much has changed except for the new blog posts she has made. I still can see the major topics and sub-topics she had in her categories and the butterfly is still there in Fedhz’s blog site.

And now that getting sick is so “uso” or in this days, Fedhz have posted on why it is important to have a flu vaccine and where or how one can get cheap flu vaccine. Home Buddies is must-visit site because you can learn a lot from Fedhz different point of views on some things and everything. Fedhz also loves to make reviews on different objects, subjects even websites.

This is a review for Red's 1st blogversary contest.


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