Monday, August 30, 2010

Kayce's Daily Notes

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My Daily Notes is owned by Sis Kayce, a blogger from Cagayan de Oro (much more closer to me).

The blog site’s design is a perfect girlaloo thing and Kayce welcome’s her readers with these words “ This blog contains about my daily notes of my life experiences, my musings, hobbies and anything that interests me”. A perfect welcome address for readers indeed. Flowers flooded this blog site, I c an obviously see it anywhere.

What strikes me most and touched my heart was Kayce’s entry about her wish and her heart’s desire. Kayce’s ultimate wish is to help her church. I haven’t met any person who loves his church whole-heartedly; I may have met believers, people who have great faith, people who are generous, but not someone who thinks and act upon his heart’s wishes. I hope and I wish that people may find it in their hearts to be generous enough now that our country needs help.

This is a review for Red's 1st blogversary contest.


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