Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Momconversations for Mommies

It’s my first time to visit Momconversations because of Kaye and Pehpot’s Blogversary Contest. I thank Kaye and Pehpot for leading me to this site, because it’s a must-see for a mom like me. The site is easy on the eyes; the colour of the template is very womanly – light pink.

Though it is still a new site, the posts where cleverly made and good tips for the mommy and daddy alike. Having wooden toys gave me the ideas on what to buy for my toddler, because budget wise having wooden toys is better than buying plastic and breakable toy cars which eventually will only be thrown away.

How I hate my stretch marks, we all are, I guess. That’s why creams come to the rescue, but it is so difficult to tell which the best solutions for problems like these are. So momconversations came into the rescue. She gave us an idea on what to use in order to lessen stretch marks by giving us a product review on Trilastin. I will need to try it too.

Umma also gave me the tip on how to treat my toddler’s temper and tantrums. You see, my son is turning 3 this April and he is showing a lot of tantrums already. By reading Umma’s blog post I realized that I am not giving my son enough of my time.

This blog is worth your while dear mommies.

This is a review for Kaye and Pehpot's contest.


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