This is my entry to Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week No. 4. This week’s prize is one year free blog hosting sponsored by Belleverlasting of “Belleverlasting: My Small Blended Place in the World Wide Web”
I have been so very busy that I have missed joining Techie She's Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways for 3 weeks now. And I don't want to miss another one, so here I am making my entry.
The first time I have heard about the word "WEB" was when I was in my pre-school when my teacher explained to us how the spider makes it's web. But then now that I am 25, I learned that there is another important WEB in my life, that is the World Wide Web. I have been blogging for more than a year now, but I have met Mr. WWW when I was in my first year college. Thanks to my instructors for asking us to research the internet for some interesting topics and assignments.
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