Sunday, June 19, 2011

$100 Birthday Giveaway from Nelson

Nelson of Digital Catharsis is giving away $100 for his birthday. Every year we celebrate our birthday but did it ever occur to you that instead of buying something for yourself, you will giveaway a $100?

For the past year of blogging, I have been winning a lot of cash and things online. Though I didn't giveaway a $100 in one full blast, I did sponsor different blog contests and donate some of my earnings to people who needed it. (I am not bragging actually I am just sharing my experiences).

I do not earn a lot from blogging, just enough to pay for my own domain blogs and hosting, plus a little shopping spree. I am still a contest addict, so I am joining Nelson's giveaway, if you want you can join the FUN too. The mechanics are easy to understand and follow, but in order to WIN a $100 you need to work hard for it:)

This is a post by Zoan for Digital Catharsis' B-day Giveaway.


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