Friday, December 2, 2011

Marriage and Beyond Turns 4

I have been a constant follower of Marriage and Beyond from the time they have turned Two. Because that is when I have found out about the blog. I have joined their anniversary contest 2 years ago and though I didn't win I am still a follower because they share a lot of good things and good points in their blog. I am not yet married but in time, I will be, so I know what to do in different situations that I encounter.

Marriage and Beyond is celebrating their 4th Anniversary and they are giving away a lot of prizes. They have so many amazing prizes that made me think of joining. Of course this contest wont be possible without their generous sponsors so let us give thanks to Life as Experienced Daily and Church in Makati.

The Prizes includes books, dvd, $50, beauty package and Sennheiser earphones so what are you waiting for? JOIN NOW, check out the CONTEST PAGE now.


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